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What began as a weekly prayer meeting resulted in the birth of New Hope Baptist Church in 1927. This humble, yet glorious beginning was under the leadership of Minister D. F. Fuller along with Minister Abraham Walker, Minister W. Taylor, Minister Ed Repress, Minister M. E. Cook and several faithful Deacons. Minister M. E Cook named the church New Hope and Minister D. F. Fuller was then voted as the first Pastor. Among the first deacons were Deacon Tom Patterson, Deacon Floyd Mabry, Deacon G. P. Cunnington, Deacon W. D. Fuller, Deacon Joe Flemister, and Deacon Lonnie Harvey. Over the course of several years, the following members were appointed as deacons by Pastor D. F. Fuller: Roy Harris, Lucius Phillips, Talmus Lemons, Sr., Leroy Phillips, Rupert Mahone, Clifford Caldwell, Horace Fuller, Jr., Talmus Lemons, Jr., Otis Willis, Jr., and Freddie Phillips.

Out of the early church, two ministers, Minister Joe Flemister and Minister F. E. Fuller were ordained. Ministers who served as Associate Ministers to Pastor D. F. Fuller were Minister Joe Flemister and Minister H. G. Glanton. Following a decline in the health of Pastor D. F. Fuller in 1954, Minister H. G. Glanton accepted and served faithfully as acting Pastor for nine years.


Minister C. S. Surry was called as Pastor on December 27, 1964 and Minister D. F. Fuller was subsequently retired as Pastor Emeritus in 1966. In 1968 our dearly beloved Pastor, Daddy Fuller passed and has been sorely missed by the New Hope Church and Griffin Community.


The following members were appointed as deacons by Pastor C. S. Surry: Willie Weems, Columbus Fuller, John Phillips, James Harris, Johnny Fuller, and John Ferguson. Under Pastor C. S. Surry leadership, two Ministers were ordained: Horace Fuller, Jr. and Joseph Harris. Minister Cleveland Freeman and Minister O. Brantley served as Associate Ministers under Pastor C. S. Surry.


Under the leadership of Pastor C. S. Surry with the support of many faithful members, the Church purchased land (1966-67) and was able to march into the new Church Facility on the 4th Sunday in March 1974. In 1977, several major projects were completed including the purchase of the lot and house adjacent to the church and the paving of the church parking lot. Upon resigning in 1979, Pastor Surry left behind, as did Pastor Fuller, a legacy of service, love and dedication to duty.

During New Hope’s next era, Minister Joseph Harris was ordained by Pastor Surry in November 1978 and served as Acting Pastor in June 1979. Minister Harris was later officially called to Pastor New Hope on December 23, 1979. Under Pastor Harris’s leadership, an ambitious drive entitled “Operation Pay-Off” was implemented in 1980 to liquidate the church mortgage. Although the target date of 1981 was missed, Pastor Harris and the faithful members continued to move forward. On April 20, 1982, the church conference concluded that the church had sufficient funds to liquidate the debt and unanimously voted to move forward. On May 4,1982, the church’s total remaining balance on the mortgage was paid in full and church services to commemorate this event were held on our 55th Church Anniversary, June 27, 1982.

The following members were appointed as deacons by Pastor Joseph Harris: J. B. Whitfield, Frank Wright, Elliott Spencer, Larry Caldwell, Lee McRae and Robert Harris. Deacon Walter Buggett and Deacon Leanard Wyatt came to the church and was accepted as previously appointed deacons.

Under Pastor Harris leadership, the following ministers were ordained: Kenneth Fuller, Robert Pack, Frank Wright, John Phillips, Leroy Blasingame, Bobby Harps, and Freddie Phillips. Minister’s Brice Grant and Willie McGhee came to the church as previously ordained ministers. Minister Mamie Harris was licensed by the church to minister in May 1992.

The new wing addition to the church which includes the Fellowship Hall, Library, and Pastor’s office were completed under Pastor Harris’s leadership. The builder of the new wing addition was New Hope’s own Minister John Phillips.

On December 12, 1996, the New Hope family suffered a tragic loss due to the untimely death of our beloved Pastor Joseph Harris. His legacy and vision for New Hope lives on in the minds and hearts of many of New Hope’s faithful members.

In December 1997, one year after Pastor Harris’s death, the Lord blessed our church family with a new visionary leader. Pastor Antonio Ramon Sewell pastorate with New Hope began on December 21, 1997. He was officially installed as the pastor of New Hope on February 15, 1998. Effective June 2000, he assumed full time pastoral duties for New Hope Baptist Church. Under Pastor Sewell’s leadership, a new era in Christian growth and enthusiasm towards God’s word has developed within New Hope. The revitalization of existing ministries and the creation of several new ministries have been the catalyst in the continuous overall growth of the church family, both spiritual and physical. Under Pastor Sewell’s leadership several ministers have been licensed: Minister Jason Mitchell, Elder Clefus Neal, Minister Debra Thomas, Minister Anika White, Minister Carnell Carr, and Elder Portia Sewell. Minister Jonathan Gates, united as an ordained minister. Syreeta Davis and Steven Driver joined the ministry as licensed ministers.

In 2005, Pastor Sewell was led by God to initiate the Sanctuary Facelift Project. The church building was in need of new light fixtures, new flooring, and more space in the pulpit. In November 2005, the sanctuary face lift was completed. The project also allowed for new seating in the pulpit, new choir chairs, and a media center; which included updated sound and projector equipment. We give glory to God for an enhanced worship experience.

In 2005, the Male Doorkeepers Ministry was renamed the E.E. White Doorkeeper Ministry. This name was given in honor and memory of the late Deacon Edward E. White.

In 2006, the Annual Men’s Golf Tournament was renamed The Otis Willis Classic. The name was given in honor and memory of our beloved Deacon Otis Willis, Jr., an avid golfer. In May 2006, three men were appointed by Pastor Antonio R. Sewell to serve as deacons: Arthur Carlton, Dwayne Graydon, and Ricky Green. In the same year, the church purchased property across the street to further God’s vision given to Pastor Sewell to create a Holy perimeter around the Haven of Hope. In January of 2011, additional property was purchased next door to the church. In March 2011, New Hope was blessed to acquire a 25-passenger bus as well as the Dewberry property in May 2012.

In December 2011, under the leadership of Overseer Antonio R. Sewell, five ministers were licensed: Minister Valerie Trice, Minister Mary Ann Pack, Minister Gloria Davis, Minister Ronnie T. Owens Sr., and Minister Myron Jones. Minister Zan Standford, Elder Shontell Stanford, and Minister Brian Vining came to the church as previously ordained ministers.

In June of 2014, Overseer Sewell was consecrated to Bishop by Presiding Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr. and Presiding Bishop-Elect Joseph Walker of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International.

As of January 31, 2014, ten additional properties in close proximity to the church have been purchased under Bishop A. R. Sewell leadership. Elder Debra Bell, Elder Jason Sims, and Elder Jason Russell came to the church as previously ordained ministers.

Bishop Sewell’s leadership and vision has taken New Hope Baptist Church to even greater heights. There has been the acquisition of new musical equipment, upgrade of new roof for the church, and repaving and expansion of our parking lot. These and many other accomplishments has now positioned New Hope Baptist Church to continue to excel into a future filled with Hope and Promise.

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